Local Groups

Archery Frid + Mon pm Mel Cook 872152
Art Thurs am Christine Broomhall 405150
Badmington Tues pm Sian Lewis 234624
Badmington Wed am Laurie Irwin 233281
Bowls Mon pm Rob Hallett 07916 117542
Dog Training Thur pm Elena & Andy MacNab 851241
Garden society 2nd Mon of month Ian Colloff 234646
Parent & Tod Group Tues am Sasha Bale 07595 449046
Parkmill WI 1st Tues of month Liz Morgan 07976 854486
Pilates Fri 9.30-10.30 
Fri 11.00-12.30
Mariana Gonzalez 07443943650
Yoga Wed 6.00-7.30 pm Catherine Thomas 233407
Yoga Tues 6.00-7.30 pm Pascal O'Kane 07548 626408
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