Pennard Emergency Food and Technology Assistance (PEFTA)

Pennard Assistance

Caring for our community

PEFTA  is an innovative scheme, as unlike a food bank, participants have choice and are able to choose foods based on their health and dietary needs, as opposed to a prescribed or limited range of foods.

An important aspect for health is that they have access to fresh fruit, vegetables and other fresh foods.  The PEFTA scheme empowers people to make healthy choices, through the autonomy the scheme affords.  This is evident from the feedback we have received. Being a confidential scheme, it also provides dignity and anonymity. 

  • The first person in a household is currently eligible for £20 each week, then £10 for each person thereafter up to a maximum of £50 per household. 
  • The PEFTA participants do not receive the money directly.  The money is put on to accounts at a local shop in the community and the Clerk to the council pays money onto these accounts each week.
  • Purchases of alcohol, tobacco, or lottery tickets are not allowed on the accounts.
  • No change or money is received by PEFTA account holders. If there is change left on the accounts, then less is paid the following week to balance it out.
  • There is honesty, transparency and respect for the scheme, as participants let us know if they don’t need to use their food account on weeks that they may have enough work.

Why PEFTA was introduced
We became aware of a need as some individuals were enquiring about food banks or we were contacted about certain individuals that were in need. We have also become aware that some people who were impacted by the last two years, have not fully recovered. 

In addition there are community members who were already in need prior to the last two years and the PEFTA scheme has supported them where they were already struggling.  For instance due to being a pensioner or health conditions.  It would appear that the Pennard ward has an existing pocket of rural food poverty.

We do regular check-ins with the PEFTA participants.  We are aware that due to circumstances, some individuals' situations, health or income, will not be changing in the near future.  Whilst others ebb and flow and some leave the scheme whilst others join it. 

Given the rise in fuel prices that impacts the home and transport costs, alongside benefits being cut, this is a precarious time for many.  This is heightened for those already in need, who can’t always afford to heat their homes or buy enough food for their family.  

For more information contact our PEFTA Manager on 07425 387994

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