Our mission

How it works

Our structure and responsibilities

Pennard Community Council has 14 elected members covering 2 wards. Kittle is represented by 3 councillors and Southgate by 11.

Our mission is to maintain and improve the environment, facilities, quality of life and rural character of our community.

The Council is responsible for Pennard Community Hall, Pennard playing field and playground, and Pennard Burial Ground. The Council is also a planning consultee to Swansea Council.

Each community council must have a Chairperson, a Treasurer and a Secretary – the office bearers – and these roles carry the most responsibility. The office bearers, as elected members representing their local communities are responsible for the efficient and effective operation of the community council.

This members are responsible for making sure that everything is done according to the Scheme of Establishment for Community Councils.

All members of the community council are equally responsible for the community council’s decisions and actions and may take on additional activities in support of the community council.

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